essay on the symbolism of the flag and its social consequences_rochester_ever_walltheraphy_2013

Rochester, NY, 2013

wall [wawl]-noun– any of various upright constructions having a continuous surface.

therapy [theruh-pee]-noun– some remedial rehabilitating or curative process.



WALL\THERAPY [wawl.theruh-pee]-noun– a public community-level intervention using mural art as a vehicle to address our collective need for inspiration.

Images heal cities.
Dr. Ian Wilson wanted to give back to Rochester, the city that has given him so much. In 2012, the manifestation of that thank you became WALL\THERAPY, a community level intervention using mural art as a vehicle to address our collective need for inspiration. During this week-long festival, 11 street artists (“therapists”) from across the globe painted (“rehabilitated”) 16 walls, healing the city with new life and energy. The intervention beautified our urban landscape, ignited a community dialogue and inspired Rochesterians to view the Image City, a moniker originally attributed to Kodak, in a proud, new way.

Posted by:eversiempre